Nov 29, 2016 · Ohio State University attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an 18-year-old Somali-born Muslim who came to the United States as a
Officials have identified the suspect in Monday morning's Ohio State University rampage as Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Here's what we know about him so far.
Here's what we know about him so far. 2016-11-28 2016-11-28 2016-11-28 18-year-old Somali man was behind an attack involving a car and butcher knife on the campus of Ohio State University 2016-11-29 2016-11-28 2016-11-29 Screen Shot of Abdul Razak Ali Artan: YouTube. SOMALI REFUGEE STRIKES TERROR AT OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. A Somali immigrant to the United States, 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan, took his car and plowed down students and staff at OSU, who were evacuating facilities after a … 2016-11-29 2016-11-28 Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Somali-American.
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Abdul, I don’t understand. You came to the U.S. two years ago as a Somali refugee, after six years in Pakistan. As refugees, your family wase no doubt leaving a bad situation, taking you – their future. 2017-04-07 Abdul Razak Ali Artan (1998 – November 28, 2016) was a Muslim Somali refugee and legal permanent resident of the United States who had been a logistics management major in the Max M. Fisher College of Business at the time of the attack.
You were not a bad person, Abdul Razak. The owner of the convenience store you frequented said you were kind and educated.
29 Nov 2016 Robin Wright on the knife attack at Ohio State University, on Monday, by Abdul Razak Ali Artan, which has been now been claimed by ISIS.
Tag: Abdul Razak Ali Artan Trump’s foreign policy ideas focus on ISIS because of the deliberate targeting on American civilians, as “warfare” First, Donald Trump’s erratic behavior after winning the election does worry me – making statements (in “Twitter storms”) that would ignore Supreme Court rulings (flag burning), complaining about “illegal voting” without apparent 29 Nov 2016 The attacker, identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Somali-born Ohio State student, was shot and killed by a police officer. The Islamic State 28 Nov 2016 Artan was a student at OSU, who was born in Somalia and living in the U.S. as a legal permanent resident.
Authorities have said OSU student Abdul Razak Ali Artan purposely plowed his car into a group of pedestrians on campus Monday morning and then got out of his
Sen gick han till attack med kniv. Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, som skadade elva personer på universitetet i Ohio på måndagen var inspirerad av IS. IS har också tagit på sig Därefter gick 18-åriga Abdul Razak Ali Artan till attack mot studenterna med en slaktkniv. Elva personer skadades i attacken, varav en allvarligt, Abdul Razak Ali Artan och hans familj kom som flyktingar till USA 2014, efter flera år i flyktingläger i Pakistan.
2383, Abdullahi Artan, 4. Vahida Mehinovic, Krister Haglund, Ali Reunanen, Azra Jelacic, Faiza Aweys • Mustaf • Abdalfatah • Khalil • Haydar • Abdul Mola • Oskar • Ahmad Idrisali • Camka • Senad • Erkan • Ylva • Saeed • Rozin • Atif • Almina • Alexandru • Artan • razak • Muhubu • Nikita • Arta • Fadumo Ahmed • Fadma Nuur • Sten-Erik • Mirja
transfer your video from file choice. Abdul Razak Ali Artan — an idea to spend a while coming up. American's time texting us like pursuing weight loss methods
-inte heller i Ohio har fredens religion något med attacken att göra, alldeles oavsett vad den somaliske flyktingen, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, som
Åtta dagar innan Abdul Razak Ali Artan attackerade 10 personer vid Ohio State universitet hade en grupp studenter där lämnat in en begäran
Bnar Muhamad Abdulrazak är 37 år och bor på Oluff Nilssons Väg 8 i Partille.
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Muslim Rohingya face discrimination and violence from the Buddhist majority in the country, also called Burma. They added Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the third-year in logistics management whose attack on campus with a car and a knife resulted in his death and about a dozen people being sent to the hospital on Authorities said in a press conference Wednesday that suspect Abdul Razak Ali Artan bought a knife earlier in the day before his attack at Ohio State Univers The attacker was identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan.
You were not a bad person, Abdul Razak. The owner of the convenience store you frequented said you were kind and educated. 2016-11-28
Abdul Razak Ali Artan was the perpetrator of November 28 2016 terrorist attack at the Ohio State University that sent 11 people to the hospital (no fatalities).
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Abdul Razak Ali Artan ranted on Facebook about sleeper cells and lone wolf attacks. (Kevin Stankiewicz/AP) As Ohio State students returned to class Tuesday, investigators continued trying to
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FBI special agent in charge Angela Byers said Abdul Razak Ali Artan may have been inspired by al Qaeda-linked cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, Reuters reported FBI försökte få tillgång till data från iPhone 5s av Abdul Razak Ali Artan, angriparen som utförde en attack på ett campus i Ohio, med sitt fingeravtryck, så att han Qadoos, Abdul · Qaiyum, Sameer · Qanas Qureshi, Saood Iman · Qureshi, Waqas Ali Razak, Muliati · Raza, kudshiya Rogova, Artan · Rogov, Viktor Vasil' BBC och flera medier uppger att attentatsmannen hette Abdul Razak Ali Artan och var en flykting från Somalia. Han kom till USA 2014 efter att 1090, Abdelhussain Ali Mohammad, 2. 1091, Abdelhussein, 6 1093, Abdel-Ilah Abdel-Razak, 6 Abdullahi Ali, 29. 2383, Abdullahi Artan, 4. Vahida Mehinovic, Krister Haglund, Ali Reunanen, Azra Jelacic, Faiza Aweys • Mustaf • Abdalfatah • Khalil • Haydar • Abdul Mola • Oskar • Ahmad Idrisali • Camka • Senad • Erkan • Ylva • Saeed • Rozin • Atif • Almina • Alexandru • Artan • razak • Muhubu • Nikita • Arta • Fadumo Ahmed • Fadma Nuur • Sten-Erik • Mirja transfer your video from file choice.